Italian Grand Masters 2024

The Champions of the Italian Grand Masters 2024 are Jimmy van Schie (NL) and Lerena Rietbergen (NL)

The Champions of the 8th Italian Open are Brian Raman (Be) and Irina Armstrong (De)

For the youth tournament the Champions are Ryan Branley (Uk) and Francesco Basili (It)

For the first time at the Riccione-Playhall sports hall! A fantastic edition!

Below are the full results and the link to all the photos!


Vincitore Grand Masters 24 per news Vincitrice Grand Masters 24 per news

Vincitore Italian Open 24 per news Vincitrice Italian Open 24 per news

Vincitore giovanile masters 24 per news_1 Vincitore giovanile masters 24 per news


PDF_ICON Entry List

PDF_ICON Italian Grand Masters 2024 - Male Boards

PDF_ICON Italian Grand Masters 2024 - Female Boards

PDF_ICON Youth Italian Grand Masters 2024


PDF_ICON 8° Italian Open - Male Boards

PDF_ICON 8° Italian Open - Female Boards

PDF_ICON Youth Italian Open 2024



FB-logo  Click here for all the photos of the Italian Grand Masters 2024 or click here for the photos of the 8° Italian Open