Federazione Italiana Gioco Freccette

05 maggio, 2020

WDF: annullata Coppa Europa di Freccette 2020


La World Darts Federation ha confermato l’annullamento della Europe Cup 2020.

Nella news il comunicato originale

Categoria: Circolari Ufficiali

Il consiglio esecutivo della WDF, dopo essersi confrontato con le nazioni ospitanti, ha deciso di cancellare la WDF Americas Cup, l’ Asia/Pacific Cup e la Europe Cup per il 2020.

La Coppa Europa in Spagna sarà recuperata nel 2022, grazie alla collaborazione della England Darts Organisation che ha accettato di posticipare il suo anno al 2024. 

Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale della World Darts Federation

Dear members,

Following consultation between the WDF Executive and the respective host nations, the decision has been made to cancel the WDF Americas Cup, Asia/Pacific Cup and Europe Cup for 2020.

The ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic has brought the WDF season to a halt and has severely disrupted the planning of international darts events. With so many factors to consider for every country involved, relating to health, finance and each of the nation's government travel regulations, we agree that this is the correct decision for all concerned.


Americas Cup - Jamaica (24-26 July)

Asia Pacific Cup - Chinese Taipei (7-11 September)

Europe Cup - Spain (29 September-3 October)

The Jamaica Darts Association, the Chinese Taipei Dart Federation and the Spanish Darts Federation have been extremely cooperative and we would like to thank each of them for their understanding during this time. 

We are delighted to announce that each of the three host nations have agreed to hold their respective events in 2022, with the WDF World Cups hosted by the Danish Darts Union in 2021 and the Korea Darts Federation in 2023 taking place as originally scheduled.

We also thank the England Darts Organisation for their support in adjusting their position as hosts of the 2022 WDF Europe Cup, to 2024.



Americas Cup - cancelled

Asia Pacific Cup - cancelled

Europe Cup - cancelled


World Cup - Denmark


Americas Cup - Jamaica

Asia Pacific Cup - Chinese Taipei

Europe Cup - Spain


World Cup - South Korea


Americas Cup - host TBC

Asia Pacific Cup - host TBC

Europe Cup - England

To all nations scheduled to attend WDF Cups in 2020. The welfare of our players and officials remains our primary concern.  We share your disappointment and hope for a safe and healthy environment for all to compete together once again in the near future.

Your respective host country will contact you directly regarding this cancellation and plans to rebook for 2022. Should you have any further queries or questions, please e-mail your principle WDF Cup contact.

The WDF annual general meeting was scheduled to take place at the Europe Cup in Spain (September 29th).  The WDF Executive will be in contact with the members regarding this cancellation in due course. 

Kind regards,
Arjan de Waal

WDF Tournament Director

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